Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mark is a Daddy's Boy!

Markie is most definitely a Daddy's Boy.  I attribute it to when I threw my back out and couldn't pick him up for close to 2 weeks when he was only 1 year old (in fact it happened the day before his first birthday).

I thank Jesus that Bruce was off for winter break and could care for us.  A bond was formed in those two weeks that is so strong.  When Daddy is home, Mark is shadowing him.  He follows him everywhere.  Andrew once said, "Mom, you are my adult and Daddy is Mark's adult."

Sunday, May 2, 2010

You say astruction, I say destruction.

Oy!  I have a few back posts to do, but wanted to put this short one up.

In the car after returning from a birthday party where they received construction worker hats.

Mark:  Where my atruction hat?
Andrew: No, Mark, it's not atruction hat, it's destruction hat.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Andrew - Soccer

Andrew had his first try at somewhat organized sports.  We found a wonderful soccer coach.  She is a mom who teaches soccer basics to 2 - 5 year olds at a local playground.  Andrew had fun and made some wonderful friends.  Here are some photos of his "end of year" game.

Andrew's ready to play soccer.
Andrew is the one in the green running toward the ball.