OK. I'm back. I was in a little bit of funk for a while, but I believe, through the help of Jesus, I have been able to pull out. It think it was a combination of many things including the trip back to La with all of it's changes and the onset of summer heat.
Part of that funk may have been from the fact that I have been frequenting Yahoo comment boards on sexual abuse in the Catholic Church in an attempt to defend my Catholic Faith. I don't know if it was curiosity or God that first made me click on that first article, but I know it was God and the level of hate and misinformation about the Catholic Faith that made me to stay. I have debated athiests and protestant Catholic haters on issues from the existence of God, Mary, Communion of Saints, women ordination, etc., etc. In many cases, it forced me to ask myself, "Why do I believe this?" and in all cases, through the gift of faith and the love of God, I have been brought to a deeper and fuller understanding of my Catholic Faith AND the very existence and love of God. It has also given me a sheer appreciation for the blessed gift of faith for there are many lost souls who refuse to be open to the love of God and the gift of Faith, which I believe, from this experience, only results in lack of peace.
Based on this experience, I know now more than ever that the only true source of Peace, Love and Joy can only be found through the experience of the transforming Love of Jesus Christ.
Jesus, I trust in you.