Monday, September 27, 2010

Sickness in the Our house

Sickness has fallen upon the our household.  This strange thing is that it has been a variety of illnesses, unless it is the same, but evolving.  AT least one person in the our household has been sick or recovering from sickness almost every day since September 2.  We may have had 2-3 "good" days this whole month.

Andrew and I have had the stomach bug.  Mark, Andrew, and I have had a fever/cold-like symptom thing, and I have even had pink eye.  Yes, you heard that right.  Not my 2 and 4 year old boys, but me.  I recently purchased new glasses and suspect that I picked it up trying on 20 or so frames.  Here's the difficult part about this entire thing.  Mommy has been sick just as much, if not more than the boys.  It's tough enough having sick children, but when Mommy is sick, the whole house almost falls apart.

Andrew and I missed our church festival, Aquinasfest, yesterday and were so disappointed, especially since we missed last year due to sickness.

If anyone reads this, please pray for our family.  I suspect there is a lesson in here somewhere for me.  When I'm well and things have settled, Jesus will tell me what that lesson was.  I have some ideas already. I know that our entire life here on Earth along with each experience is meant to bring us closer to Jesus and our eternal home.  So this whole experience is just one more step up the mountain.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Cute little toes

I remember when Andrew was about 4 months old.  WE were attending a city festival in Geneva, I believe.  Anyway, a lady approached us and was cooing and admiring Andrew.  She was looking at his toes (evidently he didn't have shoes on) and she said to me, "Enjoy these cute little toes, because one day you'll turn around and they'll be big and hairy" .  I thank God for the gift of my boys and their (currently) cute little toes.

Mark's cute little 2 year old toes.

Mark's handstands

Ok, Mark's favorite position these days is upside down in a handstand.  These photos were taken over the course of just 2 days.

In the evening after bath.

 The next morning.

That night!

I'm thinking I should put him into gymnatics.