Saturday, July 2, 2011

Marksburg Castle

Our last Friday in Bonn, before we left for Berlin, we took an all day excursion with the students to Marksburg Castle.  The boys were very excited about this.  Andrew and I had read a book about Knights and Castles and he was particularly interested in the dungeon.

The entire day was wonderful. It began at 8:00 with a 2 hour train ride to Bacharach.  Bacharach is a medieval wine producing town.  It was considered a very large town by medieval standards.

After a much too quick walk through Bacharach, we boarded a the Koln-Dusseldorf boat for a 2.5 trip along the Rhine.  What an experience.  We lounged in the beautiful sun on the deck and took in the gorgeous sites of the Rhine Valley.  The weather was perfect and what made it particularly wonderful for Bruce and I was this........
Playground ON the deck of the boat!!

 playground, yes, playground ON the deck of the boat.  FAbulous!!  The boys played on the slide and rides the ENTIRE 2.5 hours.

Some sites along the Rhine.

The Students enjoying the nice ride and weather.

Beautiful hills and towns.

There are about 8 castles along the Rhine.

Those are vineyards on the hillside to the right of the castle.  This is the Rhine wine country. 

Finally, Marksburg Castle. 

I know what you are thinking because right about now, I'm thinking the same thing.  How on earth am I, a middle-aged plump woman, going to get up to that castle.  Well, I'll tell you.  It wasn't easy. It was pretty steep.

Cute little town of Baruch.  I can't get enough of the cute little medieval German towns.  Again, no where near enough time in this little town.  Ariane was on a tight schedule that day.

 A little lunch of schnitzel and pommes frittes (french fries) before the big hike.

Actually, the hike was only about 20 minutes and I was the only one who appeared to be on the verge of a heart attack.  Andrew was great.  I didn't even hear him panting while I was having trouble catching my breath.    He kept wanting to hold my hand, but I was afraid I would pull him down the hill.  He was better off without me dragging him back.  Bruce was fabulous.  He had Mark on his back.  The students and Ariane practically ran up the hill.   After lunch, Arianne led us (quickly) through the town to the small sign that pointed to the little pathway.  It was so cute.  I wish I would have taken a photo.  Of course, the little path was very mislead because once you stepped onto it, it was almost directly uphill for the next 20 minutes.  I had to stop twice.

OK, enough complaining about the hike.  Here we are, the castle. 
Here is a little history about Marksburg Castle.  It is the best-preserved castle on the Rhine.  Invaders were apparently intimidated by it's formidable defense (and that hike with weapons, I"m sure).  The first record of ownership of the castle dates to the year 1283, but it's not known when the castle was built.

 On what was originally the drawbridge, but what is now just a bridge into the castle.

 Coat of Arms of ownership of the castle, dating to 1283.

Cannons, obviously.

 View of the Rhine from the Castle

One of the castle towers.

Informal dining area in the kitchen.  There was a more formal dining area, but the photo didn't come out.

Kitchen area.  There was a fireplace for cooking.  It was large enough to roast an ox whole.  Again, photo was too dark.

The bedroom wall.

They had a really cool armor museum with original armor dating back to Celtic times.

And that concludes the Boat cruise and Castle Day.  There were many more rooms to the castle including a wine cellar, chapel, and dungeon with blacksmith area and room which featured medieval torture methods, but I didn't include those, sorry.  Mostly b/c I didn't have good photos.  

We ended the day with a train ride back to Bonn and bought a roasted chicken from a man in a truck parked near our tram stop.  It was safe!  What a glorious day and wonderful memories.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Cologne and Botanical Gardens

We ended our third week in Bonn with a three-day weekend for Bruce.  This was originally going to be our Paris  trip weekend, but we ended up deciding not to go.  Instead we spent Saturday relaxing at a cafe in the Munsterplatz in  Bonn.

The boys are going to miss the Munsterplatz and terrorizing chasing pigeons.

Sunday we took the train to Cologne for the day.  I really loved Cologne.  There were so many little twists, turns, alleys, and cute little shops and restaurants.  The Cathedral is unbelievable.  It's something that must be experienced because I know the photos won't do it justice and of course, my descriptions won't either.  There were so many visitors there.  We have been very careful when visiting churches here to always be respectful to Jesus present in the tabernacle when we enter.  As we were touring, we found, off to the side, a small adoration chapel and went in for as long as the boys could stand, which was only about 5 minutes.    Of the maybe 500 -1000 people touring the church, there were 9 people in the chapel, including the 4 of us.

Soaring up at least 500 meters, I believe.  Makes you feel so small.  I think that is the exact intent.  The Dom (as the locals call it) houses many relics including the remains of the Magi.  This made Cologne a number one Pilgrimage destination in the early part of the Middle Ages. 

 The Gero Crucifix, dating to around the year 940.
 The Stations of the Cross were amazing.  There is no perspective here, but they are much taller than me and just exquisite.
 The Adoration Chapel
 The boys under a ruin from the Roman Empire.  Cologne (means colony)  used to be an outpost for the Roman Empire.  There is a really cool mosaic floor in the Germany Roman Museum which dates back to BC. It was discovered when they were digging the foundation for the building.  It is fully intact.  It can be seen through a window in the museum.  Amazing. 
 The boys play in a fountain by the Rhein.  There were children swimming naked, but we didn't let them.  Andrew was completely soaked and we had no change of clothes for him.  He was so cold.  Since then, I have carried an extra pair of shorts for each everywhere we go.
 Ice Cream in Cologne.

The boys playing with the Dom in the background.

Andrew and Mommy at the Slavic cafe.  Mommy trying to look European with my new scarf. 

Finally, we thought maybe we ran into a Goth convention or flashmob at the Gothic Cathedral.  I later spoke to a friend in Bonn and she said that they were there when she went so I guess they just go and hang out there on the weekends?  Anyway, the boys were mezmerized and Bruce and I had to pull them past.  It was kinda funny.  There were even little baby goths.  ??????

Monday we spent a lazy morning in the apartment.  It rained and in the afternoon went to the Bonn Botanic Garden.  It was a nice easy leisurely day. 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Landschaft Park

Although this was our first really field trip with the students, it felt like our first.  We has a chance to start to get to know them a little. We toured an old steel mine that has been turned into a park.  It was really interesting.  It rained on the 4 block walk back to the train and the boys, Bruce, and I got soaked because, of course, we were the only ones NOT prepared for the weather.  We had one umbrella for the 4 of us. 

Old steel mining stuff now a park.

 The students.  There were two groups: us and a group from North Carolina.
 Gardens in the old steel containment areas.
 Playground. Mark and Andrew LOVE these bouncy things which are at almost every German playground.
 BIG kid slid.  The students loved  it.
 Sean helping Mark dig in the sand.
 Andrew trying to figure this thing out.  He has some engineering qualities, I think.

All and all it was a great, but exhausting day.  Come to think of it.  That can sum up just about all of our days here.  As I type this, it is Thursday night in Berlin.  Bruce was telling the boys a bedtime story and then I heard silence.  All three of them fell asleep before he even finished.  What an adventure this has been for us.  I'll try to keep plugging away at the blog.  I have about 5 posts in progress, but I, myself, am usually exhausted by the end of the day.  I wish I could have kept up the journaling as we go.  Just an FYI:  Today we visited the Concentration Camp.  The boys didn't go.  Arianna took them to Legoland.  I'm not  sure  if I'm going to write about it.  Bruce didn't take any photos.  I wasn't sure how it would feel being on the grounds where so much evil took place.  I was surprised that my emotions were very mixed.  I felt a deep sadness at times that brought me to tears, but there was also an emptiness as well.  Not sure what that emptiness was.  As we walked from place to place, all I could  do was pray the Hail Mary continuously.  That was all I could think to do.  I prayed for those who were killed, but I also think that, at first, I was praying for protection from evil.  But I never felt evil, just that deep sadness and emptiness. 

OK, I am trying to keep this chronological so I'll go to bed after, yes you guessed it, what was a great, but exhausting day.