Tuesday, November 24, 2009

My Wonderful, Sweet, Energetic Andrew

Andrew is almost 4. He is very sweet, curious, and ALWAYS moving. He wakes up with energy to burn. He started Mother's Day Out this year and loves going to school, but is having a little trouble with the "sleeping part". I know there are boys in his class, but all he talks about are the girls: Ava, Faith, Zoe, and Emily. It is a 3 year old class with 6 girls and 4 boys. The boys are all younger 3's so I guess he plays more with the girls.

Andrew is very curious and must ask about 50 questions a day. I was reading yesterday and he asked me why I wasn't talking. We talked about how I was reading in my head. We have had this discussion before when we talked about silent prayer. Today he announced, "Mommy, I got Flash (his superhero figurine) from Mark." I replied, "Did you ask him if you could have it." (We've had problems with him pulling things from Mark) His answer, "Yes, I asked him in my head."

There is never a dull moment with Andrew around. He keeps us laughing and on our toes all of the time. He is very interested in letters and numbers right now and is always counting things or asking about letters and words. He wants to know how to spell almost every word. Last night at dinner, I said to Bruce, "I made the gravy with cream of m-u-s-h-r-o-o-m soup" since I knew Andrew would not eat it if he heard that. Andrew said, "and don't forget x-t-o, too."

1 comment:

  1. Erin, that was hilarious what you said about him saying that he asked Mark in his head. Joel is right here visiting right now and I shared with him your pictures and the post I just read. We both laughed out loud! Hary is not real interested in letters and numbers still but he is always making up things and loves to pretend. He is always telling everyone that he has a farm and it's in California and that there's a man that works for him named John Dean and he cooks and works on the farm. Well, anyway. I am glad to read your wonderful blog with your two beautiful boys. Mark has really grown. I didn't know that Bruce plays guitar! God bless you and yours!
