Saturday, June 12, 2010

Superheroes - My boys LOVE superheros

We have caught the Superhero craze here.  My boys LOVE them.  Mark has a 3 inch superman (Thanks cousin Logan) which he carries around everywhere.  I mean everywhere:  grocery store, pool, library.  He even sleeps with superman every night.  He must have superman by his side all the time.

Andrew on the other hand loves them all .  He has been Superman, Batman, Ironman, Aquaman, Green Lantern, Green Arrow, Green Hornet, Flash, and even Robin (without Batman).  He has even been all of these in one day.  Which brings me to his made up heroes.  I love these.  It always goes like this:  Mom, I'm _______ man and I can __________ .

Made-up Superheores by Andrew

Change Man - He can change into any superhero at any time. (If the super task as hand requires super strength, he can be superman.  If it involves water, he can change to Aquaman, etc.).

Ice Man - He can freeze people with his freeze gun.  (This is the only one allowed to have a gun.  It guess it evolved when mommy didn't like that he wanted to kill the bad guys so I convinced him to freeze them with a freeze gun (instead of kill them) and bring them to jail where he could unfreeze them and convince them how great it was to be a good guy and help people).

Space Man - He has rocket ship and can travel to outer space.  He can use asteroids to get bad guys.  (This one evolved after we returned from a trip the Houston space center.)

Zoo Man - He can push the buttons (pictures of animals) on his Rainforest Cafe t-shirt and the zookeeper opens the animal cages and they come to wherever he is to help him fight the bad guys.

OH The imaginations of children.  What a marvel.


  1. Andrew is very creative! :) Are you reading "How to Tuck In a Superhero?" yet???

  2. I told Kevin about 'napgirl' today. He got a big kick out of that.
