Sunday, January 23, 2011

Spiderman was named after St. Peter

This morning on our way to mass, Bruce and I were telling the boys the gospel story of Peter and Andrew.  Andrew was really interested since we were telling him about how this is about the time we were trying to discern a name for him and it was a gospel story of Andrew and Peter that gave us the inspiration to name him Andrew.

The end of the conversation went something like this:

Bruce:  So Andrew, you are named after the same Andrew who was one of Jesus' followers when he was on earth.  Andrew was the brother of St. Peter, the first leader of the Catholic Church.

Mark:  Hey!  And Peter Parker is the name of Spiderman.

Andrew:  Yea, so Peter Parker must be named after St. Peter.

Oh How I wish I had a photo of Andrew in his Spiderman costume right about now, but here are some other
completely unrelated photos:

Blowing bubbles!  Thank you Nanny Shannon for the cute hat.

He thinks he's Handy Manny.  Mom, here is the photo of the dining room we painted!

OK, He's sitting on the toilet, but look at that smile!!

I debated whether to post this because of the messy pantry, but it was so cute.  It took me a day or two to figure out where all the empty capri suns and snack papers were coming from.  I heard some noise coming from the utility room and this is what I found.  Of course, instead of disciplining him, I said, "Wait, let me get the camera" 

1 comment:

  1. I love this- and yes, he is right- now I know why Spiderman is my favorite super hero :)
