Thursday, December 17, 2009

Memories of Mark

Mark's second birthday has had me thinking of the last 2 years of his life. How special they have been. Since I do plan on making this blog into a book, I thought I would allow myself to reminisce about the first two years of Markie's life.

We found out we were expecting you the EXACT same day Daddy accepted the position at Texas A & M. What a surprise!! He called to accept that morning and that afternoon I took a pregnancy test and found out you were on your way, and going to be a Texan, no doubt. In our family of four, Bruce was born in Oregon, I in Louisiana, Andrew in Illinois, and Mark would be a Texan.

We moved when I was 5 months pregnant and it was very difficult for me, but we managed. We were so excited the closer to December 17 it came. Naming a child is always so difficult. We started with lists and then it was 3 names: Benjamin, Jude, and Mark. Mommy really like the name Jude because St. Jude was very instrumental in helping Mommy and Daddy find each other. It was decided Jude would be your middle name. Although Daddy and I each liked both names equally, he was partial to Mark and I was partial to Benjamin. One morning Andrew and I were talking and I asked, "What is baby brother's name?" Andrew, who was only 21 months at the time, announced as clear as a bell, "Baby brother's name is Mark." And so you were named Mark Jude.

My doctor had scheduled a c-section to avoid complications from my perforated uterus, which didn't quite heal properly. I remember waking up that morning very early to go to the hospital to welcome you into the world. Just as I did with Andrew, I remember listening for that first cry. Your cry was garbled. I learned a little later that you had taken some amniotic fluid into your lungs and would have to be in the NICU for the next week. After 3 days, I was sent home and had to leave you in the hospital for one night and it broke my heart. Mimi, Papa, Emma, Madeline, and Aunt Rikki were here to welcome you home on December 21.

There was a lot of adjusting for everyone in the house. You adjusting to being out of my tummy, Andrew adjusting to the idea that you were here to stay, Mommy adjusting to having 2 babies to care for, and Daddy still adjusting to a new job. Things were REALLY CRAZY, but with the help of Jesus, we survived.

You were a very laid back baby, calm and sweet. You loved watching brother play all around you. You were always very contented as long as you had people around you. You walked on Christmas Eve, 2008. It was almost as if you were determined to walk that day. You had been cruising on the furniture for few months now, but that day you began letting go of the sofa and taking a few steps. It was amazing to watch. You practiced and practiced. That is about all you did that day. You mastered walking from the sofa to the ottoman, then the sofa to the entertainment center, and finally the sofa to the chair across the room. It was amazing to watch.

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