Friday, January 1, 2010

Peace and Joy

Today is not only the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Mary, teach me how to be a better mother), but it is also the World Day of Prayer for Peace.

This is what our family is praying for this year: Peace, Peace and Joy to be specific.
The peace and joy that only Jesus can give. Peace is something that has escaped me for quite some time now (perhaps 3-4 years). I've allowed the bus"y"ness of daily life to rob me of my peace. Worse, I have made excuses, blaming it on the many needs of my very small and active children and lack of time to do ALL of the things that need to be done in the course of a day.

However I rediscovered that Peace last November when I attended a silent retreat and reconnected with Jesus. He had been silently waiting for me to come to Him so that He could fill me with peace. You know, that peace that surpasses all understanding. However, I was too busy being busy. What is that saying, "the squeaky wheel gets the oil" or something like that. Even now, knowing how to get that peace, I find myself catering to the demands of the loud, busy world and not taking time to let my Jesus, who patiently waits in the quiet part of my heart, fill me with His peace. If there is anyone who reads this, please pray for me and my family: the Peace and Joy of Jesus. We'll be praying for you as well.

Peace and Joy.

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