Friday, January 1, 2010

2009 in Photos Continues with August - December

August  The highlight of August was our trip to Illinois to visit Grandma, Grandpa and many, many aunts, uncles, and cousins. We had such a wonderful time.  We miss them soo much and can't wait until we can go back.
 Andrew in Millineum Park in Chicago.
Andrew and his cousins James and Thomas.

Mark really took to Uncle Jim and Aunt Sharon, especially Uncle Jim.  I wish we lived closer. He was so comfortable with him.

September - OK, the curls are going, going, gone.  Maybe it was being told at least once a week, "She is so cute." or perhaps it was the matted food in the curls that had to be brushed or scrubbed out at least once a day.  BUT I did it!.  I had the curls cut and just like that he was a little boy and did n't look like a baby anymore.

Daddy and Andrew washing our new car, a Honda Accord.  We bought the car from Mimi and Pawpaw.  Mommy REALLY loves her new car and Daddy REALLY loves having his car back.  

Central Baptist Church Fall Festival
Mark being mischievious.

Daddy, Andrew, and Mark enter the sidewalk chalk drawing contest at the Downtown Bryan Fall Festival. 

Halloween- Big Superman/Little Superman. Mark does everything Andrew does. I was unpleasantly surprised at how Mark reacted to all the candy.  He was like a crazed child, wanting more and more and more.  It was actually a little scary.  I never saw Andrew like that.  

Bruce's birthday !!  We celebrated with a few friends.  We had lasagna and roasted marshmallows in our chiminea. Everyone had a great time, especially the birthday boy.

We went to Louisiana for Thanksgiving and the boys and I stayed for 2 weeks.  

Mark gives Jesus a kiss in Mimi's backyard.  Mimi and Paw Paw bought a farm near Baton Rouge so this is the last time we will spend here, although I am quite certain that Jesus moved to Baton Rouge with them.

Ok, I had to put this in there.  Here is Andrew trying to pull Mark out of the Big Wheel. So typical.
Markie and his new friend Hayley.  So cute!

Mark's 2nd birthday.  We celebrated with some dear friends.
Making cupcakes for Mark's birthday.
Christmas Eve.  

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