Thursday, February 4, 2010

Happy Birthday Andrew!!!

My big boy Andrew.  I can't believe you are 4 years old.  You have grown so much in the past year.  You are very interested in learning and have such an inquisitive mind.  You have learned all of your letters and are very interested in the letter sounds and how they make words.  You'll be reading soon, I know.
You have such a wonderful imagination and love to engage in imaginative play.

A few "Andrewisms" I can remember from this past year (hopefully I will remember to write them down as they happen this year):

Driving to the second day of swimming lessons:  Mom:  I know it's a little scary trying a new thing, but try to be brave and remember Jesus is always with you.  Andrew:  Does Jesus have a swimsuit?

At the breakfast table one morning:   Mom, I don't think I want to be a priest or a saint when I grow up.  I just want to be a Rescue Hero like Billy Blazes.  Do you want to be Wendy Waters when you grow up?

Just today (on his 4th birthday):  Mom, I can put on my shoes now b/c I'm 4 years old.  Mom, I can snap my pants b/c I 'm 4 years old.  Mom,  I can eat all my dinner b/c I'm 4 years old.  etc., etc.

This one happened maybe a month before he turned 3, but I have got to write it down so that I won't forget it:

Andrew in the kitchen after having taken off his diaper:   Mom, what's this (pointing to his penis)?
Mom:  That's your penis.
Andrew, pointing to his bottom:  And, actually, and this is my "poo" nis.

He is a very logical thinker.

You were born February 3, 2006, at 6:16 pm at Rush Copley Hopital in Aurora, IL. 
 Here you are 2 minutes old.

Your 1st birthday party!  We were still in Aurora, IL.  We celebrated with family and friends.  

Your second birthday was celebrated in Bryan, TX.  It fell on Superbowl Sunday.  We celebrated with family and friends who were in town.  Mark was baptized the day before.  WE tried to have him baptized on your birthday, but there were so many baptisms that we got bumped to Saturday.

We celebrated your 3rd birthday with friends.  The theme was from the movie Cars, which you LOVE.  Your friends participated in an obstacle course and we had a pinata.  Everyone had such a great time

And this was today, Feb. 4.  Can you believe I didn't take a photo on your birthday.  We will celebrate with friends at a Rescue Heroes party on Sunday.

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