Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snow Day!!!

We had snow in Bryan, Texas.  What a fun day!  Andrew had a BLAST!  He couldn't wait to go outside and once outside, he played until he was soaked.  He spent 20 minutes alone throwing snowballs at the tree. 

Of course, this was the year I decided not to purchase him a winter coat because "who needs a winter coat in Texas when the weather only reaches the 30s a handful of times."  P.s. This was the coldest winter in years. Mark fit perfectly in Andrew's winter coat from when he was 1.

Mark was not as big of a fan of the snow.  Mark and I were out for about 10 minutes.  Long enough to help Andrew make a very small snow "baby" as Andrew called it.  He insisted on a carrot nose and raisin eyes.  The problem was that Mark had eaten the last of the raisins for a snack earlier.  I was searching the living room floor for dropped raisins.  And then, of course, we warmed with hot chocolate and a nice fire in the fireplace.  What a great day!!!.

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