The boys had their 2 year and 4 year well visits on February 11. (I forgot to blog about it)
- Andrew weighs 44 lbs. and (now that I thin k about it, they didn't give me either of their heights, or I don't remember) . Anyway, Andrew is in 94th percentile for weight and 99.9, or off the charts for height.
- Mark weighs 26 lbs. He is in the 30th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height.
They just grow so fast: Mark is speaking in sentences and getting into all kinds of mischief. He is truly feeling that "independence" that is the trademark of the "terrible twos".
The other day, I caught him in the office, standing on the desk. He looked at me and said, "Mine up here, na na boo boo!" Thanks Andrew, or rather his friend at the park, who introduced this saying to my boys. Mark and Andrew run around the kitchen table calling, "na-na, na-na, boo-boo". Or at least they used to do that until we put a stop to it..
After putting Mark in the swing outside, "I want bubble (buckle)"
He is becoming an independent 2 year old, but thankfully not too independent.
Mommy: "Mark, please put your jammies in the laundry basket."
Mark: "NO!"
Mommy: "You want to chose obedience, don't you?"
Mark: "OK, Mommy" and puts his jammies in the basket.
Mommy: "'Mark, I have your lunch, come sit at the table"
Mark: "OH, tan tu (thank you), Mommy"
Mark: "Mommy, want win na"
Mommy, talking on the phone with my sister Michelle: "Mark, I don't know what you want, tell Nannie Shellie"
Mark: "Win na"
Mommy to Nannie Shellie:"What does he want?"
Nannie Shellie: "He wants a wing nut"
Let me just say that I am LOVING 4 years old. Andrew and I can sit and have great conversations. He amazes me everyday with the things he is doing and saying. He has only been 4 for a month and he can write his name, swing by himself, dress himself, and a whole slew of other things. HE is also a GREAT helper.
Andrew: "Mommy, Happy Birthday"
Mommy: My birthday was on Monday.
Andrew: I know, I'm just pretending it's your birthday. I am going to decorate with beautiful decorations. What do you want for your birthday?
Mommy: How about you draw me a picture.
Andrew: I am going to draw you a beautiful masterpiece.
And he did!
He loves the word beautiful and uses it quite often.
"Mommy, look at this sparkly book, isn't it beautiful?"