Sunday, March 7, 2010

I Guess He's Listening

We attended St. Thomas Aquinas' 11:00 mass this morning.  They have this wonderful Children's Liturgy in which they pull the children 3 1/2 - 7 (you can't go once you receive communion) out during the readings and homily and explain it to them on their level.

Andrew attended the children's liturgy this morning.  After mass, I asked him what they talked about.  He replied, "That Jesus wants us to be a fruit".  Now, the gospel reading was about the fig tree that was not bearing fruit and Jesus said to cut it down. In his homily,  Father spoke about how we are all called to bear fruit.

I guess he was listening, although he did appear to miss the whole point. Well, It's a start. He wouldn't have even gotten that had he stayed with us.

1 comment:

  1. Erin, good for you with all you have written. You have given me lots of smiles and laughter throughout the many readings and pictures that I went through- I loved it . I love the pictures of the boys at your house and on vacation. I can relate to the laungage. People still have some trouble translating things that Harry says such as for "girls", he says "gills". So, Ignatius is following in that way but it's really cute. I had a lot of fun reading your blog!!
