Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Here's my Holy Thursday

Bruce's parents arrive today!  Yeah!  I am trying to get the house straight for our guests.  However, I am getting absolutely NO cooperation from the 2 year old.  

Markie's Holy Thursday to do list:    

Take off clothes as soon as Mommy puts them on
So that I can pull of my diaper and run around the house naked
Climb onto the countertops and dig into medicine cabinet (thank you Jesus for Child-proof lids)
Pull all of the cushions off of sofa
Refuse all food and throw temper tantrum for candy every 20 minutes or so
Bring ALL toys from playroom into living room
Play with DVDs
Bring outdoor toys into the house
Play in the toilet

All for you, my Jesus!!!!!!


  1. That's awesome! Is there no way he'll use a duster in his room? Don't worry about it. Your in-laws will be too happy to see him.

  2. HEHEHE! At least you can laugh about it! Bruce's parents are the ones who understand anyway, right? Love the picture... I wish I could say I am laughing at my day... double ear infection, double pink eye (in one child) makes for a very grouchy intolerable kid!

    I never realized you had a blog! I will be following... Oh, and you definitely want to read my
