Friday, October 29, 2010


Casual Friday
It is 12:30 and for the second Friday in a row, I find myself having not showered and still in my jammies.  Besides the fact that I am the biggest procrastinator I know, I  think the reason for this is that we go and go and go all week long that on Fridays (when we have no real place we have to be), I just enjoy lounging around all morning long.  Who am I kidding?  My 4th load of laundry is in the washer while 5th and 6th lay in sorted piles on my kitchen floor.  But I do enjoy not having to rush to be somewhere.  Even if I do enjoy it so much so that I can't even bring myself to shower and get dressed.

Missing My Camera
A few months ago I dropped my camera on the ground.  As a result, it doesn't close and the battery is always dead.  The only way I can take a picture is immediately after my battery has been charged.  This leaves those spontaneous photo ops gone forever.  There were two this morning that were hilarious and I really regret missing them.   However, both reminded me of old photos of Andrew so I am going to attempt to at least give an idea of what they were.  

1st - Above is Andrew at about 21 months.   Ok, I was unloading the dishwasher in the kitchen when I look into the living room and am surprised by the cutest little moon. Picture Mark in this exact same outfit (shirt and boots), but with no diaper AND bent over cleaning up toys.  It was hilarious!!!
In an aside, Mark is 34 months old and wearing the same jammies Andrew wore at 21 months)

2nd missed photo op - Again this is Andrew at about 19 months wearing his Halloween costume, which looked at little snug then.  The missed photo op was that Andrew (my boy who absolutely LOVES to dress up and pretend)  had that same costume on today.  He wore it for almost an hour.  I have no idea HOW he got it on.. I do know that when he was ready to take it off, it took us about 10 minutes.  He started to panic at one point and when it was finally off he said, "I thought I'd have to wear that forever." 

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