Sunday, October 24, 2010


My newest adventure with Jesus is practicing virtues.  A very good friend of mine recently introduced me to The Virtue Store   It's a discipline (for lack of a better word) program designed to help your children identify and build virtues.  I immediately LOVED the idea, ordered the program,  and spent days waiting by the mailbox for it to arrive. 

For me, it's important to sow those seeds of faith and develop that relationship with Jesus as much as I can.  With the way today's society and culture is heading, I sometimes fear for their souls if I don't.   I want to help provide them an anchor and as many tools as possible for when they hit those teen - young adult years.  I try to stay grounded in prayer myself and am constantly begging the guidance of heaven.  I recently heard Scott Hahn say that at night before he goes to bed, he sometimes goes into his children's room and prays to their guardian angels, asking for them to help him to know the best way to bring his children to Jesus and heaven.   Beautiful.  I started doing that and not long after was when I discovered the Virtue Chart.  

What surprised me (not sure why it surprised me, I should have expected it) was that I found myself in desperate need of practicing the virtues right alongside my boys.  God is so good and I am so happy to say that I am always eager to embark on any adventure He puts in my path.  

So, here we are, practicing our virtues.  Please pray for us, especially me.  

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