Thursday, February 3, 2011

Andrew is 5 years old!

Wow!  I can't believe Andrew is 5 years old already.  The weather conditions are the same as they were when he was born.  It was in the 20's when I was sent to the hospital and it snowed the entire first day of his life.

Andrew, you are such a joy to us.  We love you so much.  You are growing into such a sweet little boy and loving big brother, most of the time.  You are becoming very independent and have learned to make your own smoothies (mom works the blender) and your own PBand J sandwiches with minimal mess.  Since we started practicing our virtues with our virtue chart (,  your Dad and I are so very pleased that not only are you learning the virtues and what they mean, but you are growing in many of them.  You are primarily working on growing in the virtues of kindness, obedience, generosity, perseverance, patience, and faith.  You are also working on self-control, but that one is a bit more difficult for you.  We are so proud of your progress!!

You amaze us with your ability to understand things and believe God has given you a beautiful mind which we pray you will use for His greater glory.  You continue to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to dress up and play different characters:  superman, iron man, transformers, police officers, cowboys, and Luke Sky-walker (below, blowing out his candle).  You really get into character and try to get the entire family involved in your play.

Our greatest goal for you, son, is that one day you will embrace your own spiritual journey and begin to seek God with your whole heart and soul.  We thank our Great God for the gift He has given us of allowing us to share our life journeys together.  We are so happy that you are our son and we love you so much.

Sweet big brother letting Mark open one of his presents.  

Always acting silly.

This is his Luke Skywalker costumer because of the hood. Note:  He has never seen any of the Star Wars movies, but he and Bruce did watch a documentary once on the science of Star Wars which showed clips from the movies. 

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