Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day!

Every year since we have moved to Texas, we have had exactly one snow day.  It is always very exciting for the boys and usually me as well.  I miss the snow.  Well, I don't miss the actual snow because I do not like to be out in the snow.  What I miss is how the snow can take a backyard littered with plastic toys, sticks, and turned over lawn chairs and make it look so beautiful and white, almost as if the world outside your window is purified.  I also LOVE to watch the snow falling, especially those big snowflakes, from the comfort of my couch near a cozy fire, of course.  Finally, I LOVE the fact that I don't have to feel guilty for not leaving the house and staying in my PJ's all day.  To me, it just doesn't get much better than that.

However, this morning was a wee bit disappointing.  1-3+" were fore-casted for overnight.  This is a lot of snow for south central Texas.   I really thought I would wake up to winter wonderland and I was so excited.  I woke up in great spirits:   first and foremost because it was just Bruce and I in the bed (a miracle), but also because it had snowed!  I jumped out of bed (the second of two miracles) and rushed to the window and looked out upon a barely snow covered yard.  I could still see the black roofs.  I could still see the grass.  Oh No.  I got up and turned on the TV to find out that there had been intermittent bouts of snow and freezing drizzle which adversely affected the snowfall.  It did continue to snow, but it was barely visible.

I feel like such a complainer, but it was probably my only chance for snow this year.  Praise God!  I have  conclude that it just wasn't in His plan for me today.  Besides, I still get to enjoy my fire and my semi snow covered backyard, AND I am still in my jammies and feel no guilt whatsoever.  My boys LOVED the snow and had such a wonderful time!!!!   What a blessing after all!

 Yeah!  Snow Day!
 Ooops or was that on purpose!
 Hi!  You can't see, but he has a snotty nose.  How could I keep him in when his brother was outside?  We'll deal with the pneumonia later.
 Tracks in the snow!!
 Silliness in the snow.
 My 5 year old angel 
My littlest angel.


  1. Hello Fellow Texan! I'm just visiting from the Catholic Mothers Online blog. We are a military family in Ft. Hood. My husband got off work on Friday because of the snow! YAY!!

  2. Snow days are wonderful! My parents are from S. Central Tx., but have lived in Tn. for almost 60 years! Saw pictures from a cousin in Waco of the snow. Hope your kids enjoy!
    Visiting from Catholic Mothers Online!
