Friday, May 27, 2011

Bruce went in to work today so the boys and I were on our own.  We went to downtown Bonn and walked around the platz.  We stopped into the church.  Phenomenal.  We'll have to go back to mass there  before we leave.  The brochure I picked up said it was one of the oldest churches in Gemany.  The boys didn't want to stay so we just said a quick prayer and left.

McDonald's again for lunch.   And ice cream for third day in a row.  What can I do?

The boys are playing on the little train.  You can see Andrew's head at the bottom.  Not sure what the castle looking thing is behind.  I couldn't read the placque.  Maybe we'll find out today on our historical tour of Bonn.

Bikes, bikes, bikes!  So many bikes.  Yesterday we saw an elderly man who had to be in his 70's riding his bike with a cane strapped to the back.  Everyone rides bikes here.  Bruce and I are jumping on the bandwagon.  We took our second bike ride along the Rheine today.  Perhaps tomorrow night I'll be comfortable enough to take a camera and get a photo.

I just don't think this photo conveys what I am trying to convey:  That there are thousands of bikes here!!!

Oh MY!!!  I had a heart-wrenching, panic moment today.  The boys and I were returning to the apartment.  We approached the tram and Andrew jumped on, but just as I was about to push Mark's stroller onto the tram, the doors closed with Andrew inside and Mark and I sill on the side.  I panicked and started hitting on the "open" button, yelling, "NO, No, NO!!!"  The tram door opened and Andrew ran out and didn't want to get back on.  Poor baby!  We were all three pretty shaken up.  I pray every morning for their guardian angels to keep them safe.  Thank you guardian angel!!

On the tram

In our very small elevator that we are very thankful for on some days.  Our apartment is on the 5th floor.  Although I think it is technically the 6th b/c the they consider the ground floor, the ground floor, not the first.  You must take a flight of stairs to get to the first  floor.  

Tszush (the informal bye. it is  pronounced like shoes with a ch : choes) for now!!!

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