Thursday, May 26, 2011

Our First Day on our Own

I'm typing this at 10:00 am and Mark is still sleeping.  Poor baby.  His body clock is so out of rhythm.  It doesn't even start to get dark here until 9:30 or so.  Arianne was able to get us some bikes and a trailer for the boys so we took a bike ride rode along the Rheine river yesterday.  It was beautiful and I was surprised by the truth of the saying, "It's like riding a bike".  I haven't ridden one in 15 years, yet it all came back to me and NO ACCIDENTS.  Anywho, the boys fell asleep during the bike ride so they were up until 10:30.  Also, this will come as no surprise to anyone that Mark is sick.  My poor baby.  His nose is running all over and his eyes are goopy.  He really needs this sleep.

Sorry I didn't get photos of the Rheine river, but I was too busy riding the bike.  We'll be taking at least 2 boat trips so the photos will come.  If I can remember to take photos when we are observing something photo worthy.  I'm usually just gawking and only remember to take photos in the down times.

If I could watch what I eat here and cut out the daily icecream,  I will come back thin because we have been more active in the past few days than we have in 5 years:  walking everywhere, apartment on 5th floor, riding bikes along the Rheine.

Bruce and I had our first adventure at going to a restaurant on our own, without Arianne, and ordering for ourselves.  It was funny.  When we said we were going to eat, Andrew said, "Where Airanne?".  We told him it was just us.  He replied, "who will read the menu to us?".  Smart kid.  I'm guessing we'll be having alot of surprise meals this trip.

I washed my first batch of clothes this morning.  Although this apartment is pretty stocked, I couldn't find any washing detergent.  At least I couldn't find anything that resembled cleaning products with a picture of clothes on it.  So we stopped at the store on our way back from lunch.  I sure hope shopping gets easier.   I say I washed the clothes, but I'm still not sure b/c I just took a stab in the dark and pushed whatever buttons.

Oh, I forgot to mention.  There is a washer, but no dryer so...... ta da.

Today is Bruce's first day of classes.  The boys and I are on our own for the first time.  I am a little nervous to be without him today, but I'm sure we'll be fine.  Our plans are to take the tram downtown,  purchase post cards, and meet Bruce for lunch.  Perhaps I'll work up the courage to grocery shop for dinner tonight.  Ugh!  Mark is still sleeping and it's now 10:40.  Wow!

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