Monday, May 30, 2011

Our First German Mass and Balloon Fest

We attended our first German Mass today at St. Nikolas church.  It is a beautiful church a block from our apartment.  It appears that this little neighborhood is centered around it.  The church bells can be heard on the house (I originally thought it was only certain hours) and they really kick up 15 minutes before mass to call everyone to mass.  We love it, but it broke our hearts to see that the church was only 25% filled.  And this was the only mass on Sunday.  

So, we ate breakfast, got dressed, and headed out to 11:30 mass on a beautiful Sunday morning.  I was very nervous because the children here in Germany are so well behaved.  They're everywhere, but unless they are on an actual playground, you don't hear a peep out of them.  Well, wait for it...., my children were the best behaved children in mass. As far as I can tell, in restaurants, stores, and trains, the German children sit quietly without making a peep, but at mass, it's a free-for-all for the children.  One child (maybe 4 years old) roamed the church through the first half of mass while his mother sat in the first pew.  Another brother and sister (4 and 2, maybe) left their pew to run through the few pew in front.  There was chatting from a group of tweens sitting together.

We decided to take a bike ride after mass and lunch.  It was a gorgeous sunny, high in the low 70's kinda day.  Perfect for a bike ride.  WE headed to the Rhein with the intent to find a park.  We found a balloon festival.  It was so much fun.  The boys had a great time.  Here are some pics.

Mark fell asleep on the journey.

This was one of the rides.  We didn't get to ride it, but it looks like fun!

Beautiful Park.

Andrew coming down the hill.

Mark and Andrew enjoying the bouncy thing.

Andrew being Andrew.

Andrew is in the ball..  Bruce is helping him.


  1. It looks like y'all are having an incredible time! We've all enjoyed the pictures-especially Austin. He keeps saying he wants to go to Germany with Mark and Andrew! We're looking forward to seeing more of your adventures!!!

  2. Sorry...that's from Lori (LOL). I figured you got that when I mentioned Austin...
