Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Four Day weekend - Part III - Mark and Andrew

I apologize that it has been so long since my last post.  We had technical diffiulties with the wireless internet at the apartment and MY laptop, not Bruce's.  Not sure what happened, anyway, I'll try to start catching up if I can.

 Bruce and I have been so relieved  I mean pleasantly surprised at how well the  boys have adjusted to the change and travel.  Yes, there have been some rough spots here and there, but mostly they have been wonderful little world travelers.  They always seems to find fun everywhere we go.

Playing at the fountain in Munich

Their never ending quest to eat ice cream almost every day of our trip (and almost succeeding thus far).

Markie and Momma at the Hofbrau Haus.  He is not drinking beer.

Andrew was fascinated by this Statue Man in Munich.  We have since seen them everywhere in gold, white, silver, etc.

A contemplative moment.  I wonder what he is thinking.
Battling the wild boar statue in Munich.

I guess the wild boar statue won.

Double stroller??

Did I mention about the ice cream?

Mom and Andrew eating lunch in Oberammergau

Words cannot truly convey the excitement of these two little boys when they saw these bunkbeads.  You would think they were filled with candy.  Personally, I think it reminded them of home.

Eating suckers near the lake by the Pension in Austria. 

Sitting the steps 5 minutes before mass starts.

Andrew on the mountain.  I love this photo.
 Feeding cows on the roadside in Seefeld, Austria.

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