Thursday, June 2, 2011

Monday and Tuesday

The boys and I hung out around the apartment today.  I felt like we needed a much needed down day since all of our days have been packed with adventures.  We thoroughly enjoyed our day.  It was absolutely gorgeous day. Our one big adventure was grocery shopping.  There is construction going on around our central area.  The boys loved it.  We walked by close they could have dropped a load on our heads.

We also pass the church on our way to the grocery store.  This is St. Nikolaus Kirche (church).

The tram - our means of tranportation.

Our center area, two blocks from the apartment.  Our grocery store is on the left.  Then there are various little  stores including a few drug stores, a few bakeries, a post office, a clothing store, a hardware kinda store, etc.

 Our street.  Our apartment is 43 Mechanstrasse.  I thought we'd be able to see the street sign better.  Markie got cut off the bottom of the photo.

The grocery visit went so much better today.  It is getting better everyday since that is how often I go.

Our plan Tuesday was to take the train into Cologne for the day. We heard they have a great zoo and wanted to check it out, but it rained all day.  I mean all day.  It did not stop.  You can imagine my day cooped up inside an apartment with two little boys.  It finally stopped around 4:00 so we took a walk to the cafe and treated ourselves to a kafe (for me), chocolate milch for the boys, and pastries.  Good thing we are so active here, because we eat either eis (ice cream) or pastries every day.  They are everywhere.

It's Thursday as I write this and we leave in the morning for our 4 day weekend to Munich and the Alps.  There is about a 60% chance of rain for all 3 days we'll be in the Alps.  We are so disappointed, but are going to try to make the best.  Who knows, it may be our greatest adventure yet.


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