Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Lesson from Jesus

Those of you who may not have seen me in the past 2 years may not know that i have gained a considerable amount of weight after the birth of my second son. I have developed some really problematic issues with food in the sense that I use for comfort and to relief stress.  Since i have really been trying to grow closer to Jesus over the past few months, it occurred to me about a month ago that I should turn to Jesus for comfort and peace instead of food.  DUH!  The only problem is that Jesus is very quiet and not pushy while food is right in front of my face and before I can stop to ask Jesus for the comfort and peace I need, I have already shoved 3 cookies into my mouth.  

OK, so I have been trying this and really struggling on my part (Jesus is always there to provide me comfort and peace, but I have to ask).  So, on Friday I decided to start Weight Watchers again.  I asked Bruce and he didn't say much, but kinda agreed.  On Saturday morning Bruce told me that he had researched the web and found a scripture based diet program called Lightweigh and suggested i check it out.   I immediately took this as Bruce was not being supportive of my joining Weight Watchers and said so in so many words.  I reluctantly looked up the website and although it looked good, it would involve me starting a program and it just looked like too much to me so I convinced Bruce to just go along with the Weight Watchers idea.  I had success before with Weight Watchers and needed the outside motivation and support. 

That was Saturday, today is Tuesday.  I received a call from a friend of mine this morning.  This is a friend that I  don't talk to on a regular basis so it was just a little out of the ordinary that she called.  

Here is the what she says:  Erin, I was driving back from Abilene this weekend and i was thinking about weight and food and then I thought of you and how we had spoken before of our poor eating habits and how we use food.  Then I hear on the radio:  Have you tried diet after diet after diet  and they haven't worked.  Well, here is a way to see food in a different way with the help of scripture.  

Well, I guess I don't have to tell you that it was the Lightweigh diet. 

Her words exactly, "It was a minute later, I was freaking out."  So I say, "Do you REALLY want to freak out?" and told her what had happened to me over the weekend.  

Here are the lessons:  
1.   Trust in the Lord.  He will move mountains to help you with something that you need.  Heaven is waiting and willing to help us with everything, even losing weight.

2.  Listen to your HUSBAND.   Especially if you have a husband who seeks the Lord in almost EVERYTHING he does, like mine.  You know, just recently I found myself telling the story of how my spiritual director (when I was single) told a group of us once that we can expect the Lord to speak to us through our husbands and we should look to them as our Spiritual Directors.  I should take that advice myself.  

Praise Jesus!!!!!

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