Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter - 2010

Jesus Christ is Risen Today - A-A-A-A-le-e-lu-u-ia!!!  Praise and Glory to you,  Lord Jesus Christ!!

You know that song.  I love that song.  Just singing it brings joy to my heart.  My dream is to start a tradition in our home of waking up on Easter morning and sining that before doing anything else.

This Easter, I woke up with no voice.  Of course, having the hard head that I do, this didn't stop me from attempting to start my tradition.  To which Bruce replies, "HOney, I think you are scaring the boys!"

Other than this incident and my getting sick, it was an absolutely wonderful Easter spent with Grandma and Grandpa.  Unfortunately, we did n't get many Easter photos of Grandma and Grandpa.

Mark find an egg.

Grandma helping Andrew and Mark look for Easter eggs.

Andrew found one!

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